Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Let The Hunting Begin!

C and I are going to buy a house. 


Like, really soon.  Sooner than soon, really.  Like, now. 

It turns out buying a house is a pretty long process involving (among other things) tricking convincing a bank to lend you a sum of money so large it will take you 30 years to pay it back, finding a house in a neighborhood where your car won't get stolen out of your driveway, and negotiating the price of that house down to a number close to what the aforementioned bank will lend.  NBD, except our lease is up in the next couple of months and we have yet to start on the above list of grown-up activities.  Woops. 

But the time for dilly-dallying and procrastination is over.  House Hunt 2012 starts now!  Will we find the house of our dreams?  Will we end up homeless on the street?  Will the stability of our marriage be pushed to its very limits or even past its breaking point?  Or will we find something moderately priced with an open floorplan and good resale value in an established neighborhood with good schools?  Stay tuned!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Who was it that said, "You become that which you most despise"?  I may be paraphrasing, but the fact remains that I have taken one step toward becoming a full-on hipster. 

I downloaded Instagram.  And I love it.

It's like blogging, only I don't have to type anything.  Way faster and easier.  (See? I can't even write out full sentences anymore.) 

I am American, after all.  Why would I want to engage in the arduous task of formulating words to bore people with the details of my life when I have can just take a picture instead.  Boom.  1 picture = 1,000 words.  Instantly.  Instagramly. 

I hate myself.  But I love faux vintage photos.