Thursday, April 15, 2010

That sucks

I saw this on my way to work the other day.  And even though it really sucked for the people on both sides of the highway who were way late for work because they were stuck in traffic forever, and especially sucked for the dude whose car was ablaze--

it. was. AWESOME!

Monday, April 12, 2010

You can't say that...ever: Vol. 2

Recently, my buddies and I went to one of those places where the food is average, the prices are outrageously high and waitresses are wearing little more than a napkin. I'm not proud of it, but I went.

As if 'I'm not proud of it' wasn't enough to show my age, I had a real 'I'm getting old' moment when the waitress introduced herself as, "Farrah. Not the one with the ass cancer."

(Insert shocked expression here)


Now, look, I know this girl is not old enough to be a Charlie's Angels fan. Also, I am acutely aware of the qualities this girl must have exhibited to be hired for this particular job; and intelligence and the ability to form complete English sentences are both very low on that list.

But come on. You can't have that kind of filterless, brain-to-mouth direct connection when:
A) Your brain is so clearly malfunctioning; and
B) You work in a place where the entirety of your job function is talking to strangers.

Or maybe you can. Maybe I'm just getting old. I guess my fear is that there are not enough normal, intelligent people out there to balance out all the damage the Farrah-not-the-one-with-the-ass-cancers in the world are unwittingly doing on a daily basis.