Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Hunt is (Already) Over

Well, we found a house.  It only took us a week or so.  I know, that's pretty quick.  What can I say?  Not only is my lovely wife one step beyond Type A, she has a little OCD mixed in for good measure. 

So we found the house.  And it's huge.  Too huge, really.  But it was too good of a deal to pass up. It's 3,200 square feet, with four bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms.  There are two living areas plus a large sunroom that essentially functions as a third.  We love it and we can't wait to move in.  The kitchen is a little smaller than we would like, so we've already started planning a remodel.  It's pretty exciting.

There is, however, one small drawback to this property; it's a little dated on the inside.

We bought it from the original owners who built it in 1973.  On the up side, houses built back then are much more sturdy than the houses being built today and original owners often take better care of their homes than second or third.  The downside is that it looks like the set of the Golden Girls right now.  Think pastel, coral colored walls with wicker furniture and floral print everywhere.  Floral...oh, so much floral.

It's like someone set up a timewarp right at the front door and the instant you enter the house you're immediately transported back to 1983.  It's pretty terrible, but at the same time kind of awesome.  I'm going to be a little sad when the furniture that belongs to the octogenarian current residents is gone and we've painted over the muted floral wallpaper.

Until then, here's a video tour of our new house.  Enjoy!