Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Baseball is cool.

C got baseball tickets from work.  They were pretty good seats: 6th row behind home plate (see visual aid).  The game was great and the home team won on a walk off homerun in the 11th, against the Red Sox.  And then there were fireworks after the game.  And the new owner of the team lowered concession prices in the stadium.  And we had a parking pass that allowed us to park so close to the stadium that I was afraid a foul ball would land on my windshield. 

I know it sounds like I'm telling you all of this to brag, but that is just because I am.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm Old: Vol. 2

It has been 110 degrees outside for over a week. 

I can feel myself cooking every time I leave the comfortable confines of air conditioning.  I get to about medium rare just walking from the building to my car after work. 

It's ridiculous.  I'm going to lock myself in the refrigerator

And for those of you keeping score at home, I have now complained about the heat in the summer time; thus putting me one step closer to oldness. 

Friday, August 6, 2010

Seriously, Facebook?  You suggested I become a fan of Facebook ON FACEBOOK?!

Seriously, me? You actually did it?!